Significant Sites

The sand hills at Koonadan are a fundamental significant site; the presence of skeletal material establishes Koonadan as an ancestral Wiradjuri burial ground. The dune system extends for a distance north beyond the historic site and it is likely that further pre-historic burial sites exist. A Bora...
Fivebough Wetlands - “Budyaan” (Birds) “Baamirra” (swamp/wetlands) Fivebough (400 ha) and Tuckerbil Wetlands (289 ha) located to the north east and north-west of Leeton respectively, and designated Ramsar wetlands in 2002 because of their international importance, are noted for the water bird...
A celebration of the Heritage listing of Warangesda Aboriginal Mission (Camp of Mercy) was held on the 10th July 2010 at Darlington Point.  The Heritage listing recognised the struggles, survival and dreams of those who were a part of Warangesda.  Many of those dreams included a dream that one day...